Book of Life

Pages, Pages, Pages
You started on page 2
Yet you made it to 375
I wonder how
Yet, I still don’t have a clue

Pages, Pages, Pages
Some were good
While others were bad
Yet as the chapters keep going
You steadily remained

Pages, Pages, Pages
People come and people go
This is just how life can go
Some stay for just a page
While others remain in chapters far ahead

Pages, Pages, Pages
The never-ending book of life
Don’t forget to keep turning pages
For there are better things in life

“Everyone has a place in YOUR Book Of Life. Some may only last a few pages while others may continue on to further chapters. When someone reveals who they are, kill that person off in your Book Of Life and move on. Make your own happily ever after in your Book Of Life” –Monica Renata

2 thoughts on “Book of Life

  1. People come and go, that’s true. Kill them off Dang, you ain’t got to kill them. As long as you don’t reach that Game of Thrones death count in your Book of Life…lol.

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