Cherry blossoms on the trees
Nectar in the air
The time has changed
And spring is near
Your life is circling the square
Words are spoken daily
Tongue moves as one speaks
The lyrics of each others songs
And the effect that each song wreaks
The sun shines bright
Clouds are sparse
The day is beautiful and young
The birds are singing sweetly
Yet, in your mind your life is a farce
Thoughts can cloud your judgment
Especially those which are not true
The heaven that you now reside
Will become hell once those thoughts are consumed
The day you were told you “I loved you”
Those words were spoken pure and true
The thoughts of past consumed your mind
And a battle thereafter ensued
Battling insecurities; the opponent that endlessly grew
Your life is circling the square
In other words it does not and will never make sense
Until you let go of your past
And let your better self-exist
Cherry blossoms on the trees
Nectar in the air
The time has changed
And spring is near
Chastising others for your past is not fair
So please be careful of what you say
And stop letting the past get you down
For your life is truly beautiful
Once you stop living in the past and live for now
“Dwelling on past experiences can prevent you from truly living in the paradise that you are currently residing. Let go of what hurt you and only then will you truly be able to live your life and make sense of it.” –Monica Renata
Reference (Circling the Square):