
As I begin to float
On the winds of forever
I wonder if this is a dream
Or if this is heaven
I can feel the embrace
The embrace that contains so much love
Yet I continue to float
I float high above

As I begin to float
On the winds of forever
I clinch my fists
And my heart beats faster
I go round and round
And it seems like it will never stop
I feel a pressure within
It feels like I am going to pop 

I float high
higher than I have ever been
I take a deep breath
And I exhale again
This can’t be real
This just can’t be
I am floating right now
Over the land and the seas

As I begin to flat
On the winds of forever
I see everything
I even see heaven
Put just as I see
Those I have missed for so long
My eyes begin to open
And I am back home

“Sometimes when people die….. We can’t see them physically but they are always in our minds and in our hearts” -Monica R. Williams