
It wasn’t always easy

It wasn’t always fun

To pick up your own dignity

To see the battles already won


But never let defeat defeat you

Never let negative words cloud your head

Just keep on moving forward

That is how you will make it ahead


They laughed when you wobbled

They laughed when you took that fall

They laughed when tears rolled down your cheeks

They laughed at it all


It wasn’t always easy

It wasn’t always fun

But you must keep on going

For YOUR battle is yet to be won


Nothing in life comes easy

Everything worth having takes a little pain

Tears can fall because of heartbreak

But never lose yourself in your pain


They laughed when someone said “GIVE UP”

They laughed when another questioned “WHY TRY?”

They laughed when you believed in yourself

They laughed and told you not to reach for the sky


It wasn’t always easy

It wasn’t always fun

But if you don’t pick yourself up

Who will cheer when you are done


Always be your own motivation

Always laugh at your mistakes

Recognize that falling is a part of life

And you will live to fight another day


They laughed when you were almost there

They laughed and when you almost gave up

But when you reach your destination

The laughing somehow stops


It wasn’t always easy

It wasn’t always fun

People will laugh at your shortcomings

Yet are silent when you won


It wasn’t always meant to be

You say “It wasn’t meant for me”

Yet you have to keep on moving

For you have to believe in that person called “ME”


They may laugh again tomorrow

They may laugh again today

But in the end you will have the final laugh

So never worry about what others say


“Never let the negative words of another dictate your life. Always stay true to your path and in due time you will make it to your destination.” -Monica Renata