My Heart In Words

If a fish came out of water
To proclaim its love to you
Would you even give it a second look?
Would you believe its love was true?

Would you appreciate this gesture?
Would you at least show a little smile?
Or would you huff and puff and get upset
Because this fish didn’t bring you a crown

I love you so much
And I never want to let you go
No matter how much you may put me through pain
Whether I go out of my way
Or above mountain tops
It seems like you will never change

But maybe one day you will take a deep look
And see the person that I am to you
Caring, Respectful, and Hardworking
But yet consumed with so much pain caused by my love for you
It hurts to love at times
But I continue my pursuit
My heart aches for the one I love
And the one I love is you

Please look a little deeper
And see what I do
Because even though sometimes I can’t say it
I am really in love with you

I want all your dreams
And all of your wishes
To come true for you
But I want you to also remember these three words
I love you
I love you
I love you!

One thought on “My Heart In Words

  1. I think The word “Love” is use too frequently now a days, it has lost what it really use to mean.

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