Please Don’t Fall In Love

Please don’t fall in love with me
For I don’t have a heart
I had one so very long ago
And now it is torn apart

Please don’t fall in love with me
That is possibly the worst thing you could do
For if you care so much about me
There is a possibility I won’t care for you

To love someone is a blessing
To love someone is pure and true
But my mind is not in the right place
There are issues I am still trying to get through

So please don’t fall in love with me
Please, I beg of you
For all the love that you bestow on me
Right now I can’t bestow that on you

“Sometimes you need to give someone’s heart time to heal before you expect them to love you with every ounce of their heart..” –Monica Renata

One thought on “Please Don’t Fall In Love

  1. When a friendship occurred

    between me and you,

    Before I even knew it

    I had fallen in love with you

    You say that you have things

    you are working through,

    Together we can work together

    which will create a better me and you

    If waiting for the rest of my life

    is what I have to do,

    I will love you forever

    because my heart belongs to you

    But if you should fall for another

    in the future don’t think about what could of been,

    for you will always have me

    as someone you can call a friend

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