You are poor today just as yesterday
And you will be forever more
Lacking in what matters
Lacking in what evolves your soul
You are poor today just as yesterday
And yet you continue to smile
Smile because of the material things
Smile even though inside you die
You are poor but have lots of money
You live in a nice big house
You are envied by all of your neighbors
Yet through your two windows your soul shouts
Your eyes say you aren’t happy
Your eyes say what you have isn’t enough
You are rich when it comes to money
But in life you are poor as dirt
What you want you cannot buy
And what you can buy you do not want
So you try to compensate for this lack of funds
But enough will never truly be enough
You are poor today just as yesterday
And you will continue to be
If you decide to value what doesn’t matter
Happy you will never be
“If you don’t value the right things in life you will forever be poor..” -Monica Renata