Sammy Storm

Every day was raining

In the world of Sammy Storm

For when the sun was shining bright

His heart continued to yearn


And while he shows the most beautiful smile

On that big beautiful face

He continues to think negatively

And continue to feel displaced


You see when it is raining everyday

Even when the sun is out

Happiness seems to never come

Therefore Sammy always pout


But Sammy doesn’t realize

How much a blessing rain can be

Hopefully he can open his eyes one day

And finally fully see


There are blessings in each raindrop

From pain comes so much life

Negative things happen in life

And you feel them because you are alive


Raindrops cause significant growth

There is no need to hid them away

But don’t let them drown you

For there will be better days


The truth is, every day ISN’T raining

In the world of Sammy Storm

But if he lets negativity consume him

His rainy days will go on and on


Negatives in life happen

But there are positives that surface indeed

So don’t let the rain discourage you

Just use it to help grow your seeds


“Do not allow negativity to rain on your beautiful life. Plant positivity in your mind and you will yield excellent crops.” –Monica Renata