In the spring time I sat and waited
As flowers bloomed from the magnolia trees
Putting off my next moves
For I thought I knew what the season would bring
The wind blew through my hair
And droplets of rain caressed my cheeks
Yet the only thing that change one bit
Was springtime took its leave
In the summer I sat indoors
As I watched the flowers you gave me bloom
Still wanting to do big things
Hesitantly putting off my next move
Thoughts clouded my ever moving mind
Tears slowly raced down my cheeks
Because before I know it Fall will be here
And nothing will have changed
Seasons come and Seasons go
Flowers die and bloom
I cannot control the seasons
But I can change the influence of you
Cleanse my world of stagnation
And it is not because I do not care
I just can’t wait another season
To know if your love is there
”The loneliest feeling is waiting on a love that isn’t sure….” – Monica Renata
I know that one all too well,
as I have waited and waited,
but as I grow older I soon realized
that it was time to move on.
I know that feeling all too well,
as I have waited and waited.
But as I grow older I realize
that it is time to move on.