In my mind
There you were
Locked up in a cage
The key remained hidden for so long
Because of the rage that still remained
Forever just a prison
In my very own mind
A prison that is invisible and so hard to find
The bars are made of the strongest material
So much stronger than iron
The floors are not made of cement
But they shall hold together for all time
A prisoner in my very own mind
I threw away the key
But what is the point of being a prisoner
If the only one this hinders is me
In my mind
There you were
Locked up in a cage
For I couldn’t think of forgiving you
My soul was filled with rage
Forever just a prisoner
In my very own mind
Your prison was invisible and so hard to find
The bars which enclosed you were mental
So strong to break for you and for me
The floors were practically endless
Like the hole you made in me
You were a prisoner in my very own mind
I threw away the key
But I finally must forgive you
I shall finally set you free
“When you don’t forgive someone you rob your soul of its freedom….Forever they will be a prisoner in your mind and this will only hinder you. Free them, and you will free yourself… Forgive freely and let things go…” – Monica Renata
You right. When you don’t forgive, you ultimately imprison yourself mentally. Also by not forgiving you are only sending your own soul to a bad place.