Who Are You?

Once I knew you so well
Like how I knew the back of my hand
I knew the curvature of all your features
I always knew where we stand
But today I am uncertain
For I don’t know you anymore
I use to know you so well
Before you walked out of that door

I use to know your every thought
Like Mother Nature knew when it would rain
I could look you in the eyes each day
And know each day you were the same
But today I am uncertain
For I don’t know you anymore
I use to know you so well
Before you walked out of that door

Each morning we stand face to face
Yet we both don’t know
That although we are so close together
We are more farther than we are close
Our hands always still meet
When we reach out our hands
but this change is something that I have yet to understand

You look in the mirror each day
And prepare yourself for your journey
And each time you walk out the door
You are always in a hurry
You seem to change each and every day
Then you come back to me
And you give me that hard look
Just like you have faced defeat

We are identical in nature
Yet we are worlds apart
I am a part of you
But we differ on some parts
I use to know you so much
I used to know you so well
Before you walked out of that door
It seems like the world has changed you
You are now so cold
You smile in my presence
But I can clearly see
That slowly you are changing
From the person you use to be

“Never let the world change you! Everyone wasn’t meant to be like everyone else…..” -Monica Renata